Friday, January 8, 2010

Does the World Need Another Blog?

Yes. Because as of now, there is no blog dedicated to local history in Burlington, Vermont.

So what?

Well, if you're anything like me, you walk around the streets of town in wonder. Why do things look the way they do? What's the deal with that house? What was in that spot before this unsightly structure was erected? Who are the people that have built this city, shaped this environment that we are surrounded by every day? What development choices were made that have had a lasting impact on the way that Burlingtonians live their lives today? Why is Burlington called the Queen City anyways?

This blog will attempt to answer these questions, and many more. As a recent graduate of the University of Vermont's historic preservation master's program and a Burlington resident for a number of years, I have an obsession with figuring out and imagining what was here before me. And I have a lot of time on my hands. So, this blog is a motivation to research all those things I see around me that I am curious about, and share my findings with anyone who is interested.

So, here's my manifesto: Understanding local history is an essential part of connecting to and valuing where we live. When we can wonder at the people, places and stories that comprise of our local history, we may be more inclined to understand, to honor and to use the physical legacy of the past: historic buildings, structures, landscapes, etc.

Okay, enough preaching. Although I am a proponent of historic preservation, the purpose of this blog is to expose random aspects of Burlington's history for whomever wishes to know. Do what you like with this information, and please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Long live the Queen City!

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